Homeopathic Colon Cleansing Recipes
Homeopathic Cleansing
Many might consider any cleanse a homeopathic approach to health. That being said, when most people are referring to a homeopathic colon cleanse, they are not referring to the strict fasting cleanses, such as the Master Cleanse or Fruit Juice Diet. These cleanses require eliminating solid food from your diet for up to 10 days.
These types of fasts are discouraged by doctors such as Michael Picco, MD at the Mayo Clinic who claim that the body is designed to eliminate waste with the liver, kidneys and colon. Claims of these fasts can not be substantiated with research and they pose too many other serious health risks.
A homeopathic cleanse that uses herbal supplements creates a safer environment where a person will work on dietary adjustments and use the herbs to help the liver, kidneys and colon do what it already does more effectively.
Homeopathic Ingredients
Many ingredients are available when doing a homeopathic cleanse. Your choice may depend on the underlying reason you are doing the cleanse. This may be chronic constipation, fatigue or digestive issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome. Homeopathic doctors are best suited to provide you with a proper assessment and homeopathic remedy.
The common tinctures used for colon cleansing according to Herbal-Colon-Cleanse.com include anacardium, arg nit, ars alb, belladonna, carbo veg, chamomilla, chelidonium, lycopodium, nuc vom and scrophylaria.
To properly use these cleansing ingredients you should make sure you are consuming ample quantities of water daily (2-liters) and eating a high fiber diet filled with fruits and vegetables. These are easy to digest giving your liver and colon a break and the fiber helps scour the colon to remove any compacted fecal matter.