Homeopathic Remedies for Restless Leg
Select the Remedy
Homeopathic medicine treats a condition by encouraging the body to heal itself. Remedies are selected based on the particular symptoms you experience. Consider symptoms such as anxiety and stress when you are selecting the proper homeopathic remedy to use.
Homeopathic medicine uses the laws of similars and potentization. The medicine that is introduced to the body causes the symptoms to occur in someone who is healthy. For instance, in treating restless leg syndrome, the proper medication is one that induces the same sensations in someone who does not suffer from restless leg syndrome. Homeopathic practitioners use aconitum napellus to treat the condition when anxiety accompanies the symptoms. Patients who report exhaustion along with restless leg symptoms may be treated with arsenicum album.
Restless leg syndrome may also present with symptoms of aching and burning in the legs, which requires causticum. Additional homeopathic medications used to treat restless leg syndrome are sulphur, ignatia, rhus toxicodendron and zincum metallicum.
A trained homeopathic practitioner will evaluate your temperament and mental state as well as the symptoms that you are experiencing. Make sure that your homeopathic doctor gives you a complete evaluation when finding the proper treatment for restless leg syndrome. Hundreds of medications are at the disposal of a homeopathic doctor.
A trained homeopathic doctor will recommend a dosing schedule of the chosen medication and monitor the results. You may also choose to self-medicate with these treatments. Use only one treatment at a time when using homeopathic medicine. Evaluate the results of the dose and determine if the symptoms are relieved. A second dose is not necessary until the first stops working or the symptoms return. Giving doses when they are not necessary can slow down the effectiveness of the treatment.
Take doses according to how you are feeling, not according to a medication schedule. Wait for several doses before abandoning the medication for another. If you are uncomfortable using these medications, consult with a trained practitioner.