Homemade Homeopathic Medicine
Generally speaking, homeopathic remedies (also known as tinctures) are made up of botanical (plant-based) and zoological (animal-based) solutions. They are very useful in curing some of the most common ailments, from the common cold to eczema. Also, since they are natural, most tinctures are safe for even small babies.
The amounts of each solution will vary based on the tincture you are making. Unlike pharmaceutical medications, you can actually have your own "catch-all" homeopathic remedy at a low cost, and on your own schedule. Make a large quantity, and you will have enough for your entire family,
The two main types of remedies are those that are made from already-prepared solutions and those that are made from the "shaker method." Making them from prepared solutions involves finding the right concoction and purchasing the ingredients, which usually come in a glass bottle with a dropper. You can find most ingredients at health food stores.
The "shaker method" involves putting together "hard" ingredients (such as grounds of black pepper and salt), combined with liquids (like lemon juice and distilled water) and literally shaking them in a jar the prescribed number of times. You will combine least six ingredients typically, but if you do not have all of the required ingredients, you may get by with fewer. The most important ingredient in the shaker method is the salt.
The homeopathic remedy you use, as with pharmaceutical medications, will vary depending on your health. With over-the-counter medicine, it is easy to read labels and figure out which ones you need. Homeopathic remedies will require a little more work. You may want to invest in a book on natural health for quick reference. Books such as "Homeopathic Remedies: A Quick and Easy Guide to Common Disorders and Their Homeopathic Treatments" will guide you in the right direction and help you decide which homeopathic remedies to use for which ailments.