Homeopathic cures for cold sores
Why is the cold sore developing?
Not all cold sores are alike. Some cold sores are caused as a result of emotional stress, others from illness, and some from diet. By identifying why you are having an outbreak, you can find the appropriate homeopathic remedy.
Consult a homeopath
Homeopathy is a complicated alternative medicine. Determining your specific treatments will depend on important elements such as your emotional state, gender and other aspects about you. A professional homeopath is well educated in his line of work and can determine exactly what remedies will be effective on your sores.
Homeopathic cold sore prevention
Since there is no cure for the virus that causes cold sores to form, you will likely have cold sores develop regularly. Natrum muriaticum and apis mellifica are homeopathic preventative treatments for cold sores. When used at the onset of a blister forming, they can help reduce the size and duration of the cold sore. They can also reduce the number of outbreaks you get.
Homeopathic treatment
After you have determined the cause of your particular sores and have began preventative treatment, there are homeopathic remedies to help clear up a current cold sore. Rhus toxicodendron is a useful treatment once the blisters begin to crust over. Borax is often used when the sores begin to form in the mouth.
Stick to the treatment
While a lot of homeopathic remedies come with complicated directions, it is important to follow them exactly. This way the remedy will be most effective at clearing up your cold sore.