Homeopathic Therapy for Kidney Stones
Eat foods that contain high percentages of calcium and magnesium to help prevent formation of kidney stones. Foods that contain these minerals include dark leafy vegetables, legumes and fruits. Oats, brown rice, soy and barley are also good, as are high-fiber oat bran, flaxseed and psyllium husk, which can be purchased at your local health food store.
Drink plenty of water every day, which will help prevent the urine from forming crystals and stone formation. Individuals should drink a minimum of 64 oz. of water a day, more in hot or humid environments, or when engaging in intense physical activities or sports.
Take supplements of vitamin B6 and magnesium citrate. Vitamin B6 helps maintain function of kidneys while magnesium citrate can help prevent stone formation from taking place. Take 25 mg of vitamin B6 every day, and 500 mg of magnesium citrate per day.
Herbal Supplements
Consider taking Bearberry and Cleavers herbal supplements, which are believed to sanitize the urinary tract and help treat kidney stones and urinary infections. Take as directed on package labels according to the dosage you purchase. Gravel Root has long been used to treat kidney stones, while Crampbark is known to help relieve spasms often associated with the presence of a kidney stone.
Watermelon Seed Tea
Make a tea combining a pint of hot water with 1 tbls. of watermelon seeds that are ground or cut. After allowing the tea to steep, strain and drink. Drink this tea once a day for three days a week to help stimulate the kidneys and promote cleansing of the kidneys and bladder