Vinegar Health Uses
Apple cider vinegar, made from apple juice, is useful in many remedies
Vinegar is made by fermenting and then oxidizing fruit juice or wine.
Supermarket shelves hold an array of vinegars, including white, apple cider, wine, rice, fruit, malt and balsamic.
Vinegar can be used to neutralize mild jellyfish stingers on the skin, to control some bacteria that contribute to toenail fungus, to remove lice nits from hair, and to remove scabs caused by impetigo (a bacterial infection of the skin).
Very few verifiable laboratory tests have been conducted on the efficacy of vinegar to treat disease. Much advice regarding using vinegar for good health involves home remedies that have been passed down through generations.
Vinegar is not an effective treatment for vaginal infections or dryness, as its acetic acid content can irritate vaginal tissues. Additionally, no scientific research indicates that drinking a small amount of vinegar before eating can help control appetite and weight.