Homeopathic Remedy for Flu Prevention
Arsenicum Album
Referred to as Ars albs, arsenicum is a diluted form of arsenic and recommend by homeopaths as a preventative approach to the flu. While poisonous in its pure form, when diluted and made into pellets, it is safe to take. Recommended dosage for flu prevention is 30C pellets. Take two pellets and dissolve them in water using a disposable cup. From that cup, you should give one teaspoon to everyone in the household, including you, and then throw the cup away. Follow this routine once a week. If there is an epidemic of flu, use the 200C tablets instead, for extra protection.
Andrographis is a natural way to stimulate your immune system to fight viral infection. This makes it a good choice for flu prevention. Sold in tablet form, the recommended dosage is one tablet a day for 14 days. If you have been around someone who has the flu, this is a good way to fight off the infection before the symptoms start.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for the human body. It is available in various food sources, but as a dietary supplement it can be an effective tool for flu prevention. Easy to find in many forms, such as tablets, capsules, or powder, the recommended dosage can be as high as three grams per day.
If you have symptoms for more than a week, you should see your doctor. High fever, rash, excessive vomiting, or difficulty breathing might indicate a more serious condition and needs evaluation by a physician. If you are in a high-risk group, such as the elderly or immunocompromised, it is recommend that you get a flu shot every year.