Detox Foot Bath Solutions
What is a Detox Foot Bath?
A detox foot bath is one that is said to clean the body of toxins. Websites such as claim that this foot bath removes toxins not only from the feet, but from the rest of the body, as well. This is accomplished via simple electricity. Foot bath detox machines are available from sites such as, and many health stores.
A bathing solution is placed in the foot bath machine. This solution consists of water and sea salt. You place your feet in the solution and sit. An electrode in the machine then begins to pulse. The electrical current passes through the body. As it passes through the body, the negative and positive ions attach themselves to negative and positive toxins in the body. It then drains the toxins through the feet. Most foot bath detox sessions last about 30 minutes. Doing this for more than 30 minutes is not recommended. The electrical current is low enough to be tolerated, but even a low-level electrical pulse can begin to damage the body. After you're done, the water should be murky and dark. These are the toxins.
The reported benefits of the detox foot bath are many. The website 50PlusFitness claims that many people who go through this process feel stronger than they did before the process. They also feel healthier and more energetic. Soaking your feet will help hydrate your body, which is important, as the body needs water to work properly. Some have claimed that foot detox solves a number of skin problems, including rashes, dark circles and bad complexions. Increased sex drive and circulation have also been noted, as have decreased allergies. But many of these benefits have not been tested in a medical laboratory. The article "Detoxifying Foot Bath Quackery" at calls foot detox a "highly profitable scam" and says "there is no way an electric current passing through a part of your body can distinguish between "good" molecules and "bad" molecules." People who should never use a detox foot bath include: people with heart conditions or a pacemaker; pregnant women; people who have received an organ transplant; and anyone under 8 years old.