Homeopathic Allergy Relief
Take the Right Dose
Take the right dose in order to have the right results. Homeopathy is built on the general rule that "like cures like." Taking in small doses of something that would cause an allergic reaction, can help the body cure itself. Take most homeopathic remedies after 15 minutes of eating or drinking. Do not eat or drink again for another 15 minutes after taking the initial dose. Allow the tablets to dissolve under the tongue slowly. Do not crush them with the teeth or swallow with liquid. Repeat every 2 hours as needed.
Choose the Right Remedy
Choose the right remedy for the specific condition being treated. There are thousands of different homeopathic remedies available to treat a myriad of illnesses. Read the labels to clearly understand which remedy is appropriate for your condition. Each label will clearly define the symptoms. There are homeopathic remedies for food allergies, seasonal allergies, sinus allergies and so on. Research the remedy that is recommended for your condition.
Get Consultation
Talk to your doctor or naturalist about homeopathic remedies for allergies. Make an appointment with both a medical doctor and a homeopathist for a consultation. Most consultations are free, so you can go without any financial obligation. Write down questions you have for both and ask them with confidence. Compare the notes and suggestions from both and see which person you feel more comfortable with. Give the homeopathic remedy a try first, and see if it does the trick for you. Form a plan of action with your doctor, and ask her to keep your allergies under watch to see if she notices any improvement.