Homeopathic Sulphur for Back Pain
What Are Homeopathic Remedies?
Homeopathic remedies are extremely diluted samples of different substances that can be found in nature. Homeopathic charcoal (Carbo vegetabilis), homeopathic calcium (Calcarea carbonica) and homeopathic poison ivy (Rhus toxicodendron) are all examples of homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy works sort of like immunization. A substance that in its full strength would cause you certain symptoms (poison ivy might cause a skin rash) is diluted to an extreme degree and used to treat similar conditions (in this case, a skin rash). In its full strength, poison ivy would also cause a host of mental and physical symptoms. Homeopathic remedies are prescribed if you match several of these symptoms.
In the late 18th century, a German medical doctor, Samuel Hahnemann, developed the system of homeopathy. At the time, much of medicine consisted of bloodletting, leeches, purgative medications and vomiting medications, which had a very high rate of failure. Hahnemann believed that stimulating the body through minute levels of medication with only one medicine at a time could cure diseases. A series of tests (or provings) were administered to many different substances to find cures to as many different conditions as possible. The theories of modern medicine left homeopathy behind, but there were still enough followers to keep those ideas alive today.
Candidates for Sulphur
Homeopathic sulphur has been used for different types of back pain, skin conditions, and a fiery and irritable mental condition. There are various kinds of back pain that sulphur can be prescribed for. These varieties include a coldness of the back that gets worse in the evening, lower back pain that is related to menstruation or standing too long, weakness in the back that gets worse while walking or standing, and scoliosis. Sulphur may be prescribed for you if your back pain is accompanied with a skin condition such as eczema or a digestive problem such as vomiting or diarrhea. Sulphur can also be given if your back condition is accompanied by PMS, mental stress, depression and irritability. If you have a few of these different conditions then it is likely you will be prescribed a dosage of 30c (where c is equal to 100 times the standard homeopathic potency) once a day until symptoms improve.
Other Remedies
If your pain is centralized in the lower back, accompanied by heavy legs, and if it gets better in heat and worse during motion, you may be prescribed Aesculus. Nux vomica may be used if your pain can be described as stitching and if it is accompanied by bruises, irritability, lameness, sensitivity to cold, and if it gets worse around 4 a.m. Rhus toxicodendron (our homeopathic poison ivy from earlier) may be prescribed if the pain is tearing, drawing or burning and if your symptoms include restlessness, fear of failure, stiffness in the back, and a worsening of symptoms when moving or during storms.
The only person who can truly diagnose you properly is a licensed homeopathic doctor. Take these remedies as directed and do not try to mix and match as that is not how homeopathic remedies work. Taking remedies for too long or not as directed may lead to a development of new symptoms. If your symptoms do not improve, you may need to try a different remedy.