Natural Remedy for Clogged Arteries
Clogged arteries are best prevented or reversed by making lifestyle changes. Removing fatty foods and cholesterol, not drinking alcohol or smoking, eating healthier and engaging in exercise can prevent the clogged arteries from worsening and also help the body repair the clogged artery. Exercise burns fat, which reduces the amount of fat that can clog arteries. Exercise also causes a release of the chemical nitric oxide, which protects blood vessel walls. Strenuous exercise is the most effective, including exercises like running, swimming, cycling and intense aerobics.
A variety of herbs are helpful in unclogging arteries. Garlic should be consumed every day. Garlic mixed with orange juice or apple cider vinegar can make an effective artery cleansing tonic. Rutin can strengthen the arteries and capillaries. Hawthorn berry extract is very protective of the heart. Passiflora incarnata loosens up blood vessels in order to reduce blood pressure. This herb is dried and ground into tea. Ginkgo biloba stimulates the circulatory system, encouraging the relief of clogged arteries.
Many foods are helpful in unclogging arteries. Lemon peels soaked in water for a couple hours and then consumed can help strengthen arteries. Honey and carrot juice should be consumed daily in order to clean arteries. Recent studies conducted in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that folic acid has the ability to lower homocysteine, which is partially responsible for clogged arteries. Egg yolk, beans, lentils, peas, almonds, nuts, wholegrain, wheat, potatoes, spinach, beetroot, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, asparagus, bananas, oranges and peaches all have folic acid.