Homeopathic Remedies for the Liver
Homeopathic remedies are available in strengths of C, X or M. The C strength offers the lowest potency and remains in the blood for only a short period of time. It may safely be administered as a repeat dose several times per day for long-term use. The X strength is moderate in potency and is commonly used for trauma, recovery and disease prevention. The M strength is commonly prescribed for chronic conditions and may remain in the body for months after treatment has ended. You should consult your health care provider for accurate dosing information. Treatment is available in liquid or pellet form and should be taken under the tongue, 30 minutes before or after eating. One dose usually consists of three to five pellets or five drops of liquid. .
The Lycopodium plant, a perennial evergreen which produces pale yellow pollen, grows in woodlands and pastures in North America, Northern Europe and Great Britain. When pollen is collected, it is used to produce the homeopathic remedy lycopodium. According to Dr. Asa Hershoff, Naturopathic Doctor and author of Homeopathic Remedies, a dosage of 6C or 12C should be taken one to three times daily for acute liver disease and 30C once per day should be taken for several weeks for chronic liver disease.
Natrum Sulphuricum
Sodium Sulphate is a natural salt derived from seawater and hot springs water and makes up the homeopathic remedy Natrum Sulphuricum. This substance is responsible for water distribution and elimination within the cells and is often prescribed by homeopathic practitioners to assist the body with liver and kidney function. According to the National Academy of Classic Homeopathy, it is recommended that a dosage of 6X be taken for liver symptoms. Examples of such symptoms include intense cramping pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal bloating and digestive problems. The sodium sulphate contained in the remedy helps to decrease the burden on the liver and promote the flow of bile by assisting with toxin elimination.
Nux Vomica
Nux vomica is made from the Strychod nux vomica shrub that grows in the East Indies and Southeast Asia. Its original use was to poison rats and is now commonly prescribed as a homeopathic remedy to treat the liver. Dosage depends on specific symptoms and includes 6C, 30C, 12X and 30X. Discuss your symptoms with your health care provider to determine which concentration best meets your specific needs.