Homeopathic Treatment for Bone Cancer
Hydrastis Canadensis and Symphytum
Hydrastis canadensis (HC) and Symphytum may be a powerful homeopathic combination. HC has been used when the body is in a general cancerous state and is administered to treat cancers of the bone, tongue, abdomen, and genital area. This remedy helps improve a lack of muscular strength common during cancer treatment. Symphytum has been used specifically for bone cancer as well other bone problems. It can help heal a fractured bone heal correctly, nerve pain in the knee, and general joint and tendon difficulties. Consult a homeopath for proper dosage.
Radium Bromatum and Aurum Metallicum
Radium bromatum is the homeopathic potency of the cancer-fighting radium. It has been used for cosmetic purposes like healing acne and dermatitis, but its main affects are on pain in the bones and joints and bone cancer. Homeopathic doses of any herb or substance are so small that you do not have to worry about side effects you would get from a normal dose of radiation. Aurum metallicum (gold) has also been used to treat cancer, along with some of the pain that might occur in arthritis or bone cancer. If your cancer has produced deep thoughts of depression with ideas of suicide, aurum may be an appropriate treatment. Aurum also can increase circulation, which may help other treatments work more effectively. See your homeopath for proper dosage information.
Calcium Phosphorica and Options
If other remedies have produced mediocre results, calcium phosphorica may be able to help. It's created from the mineral salt that is the main component of bone and teeth, which can help ensure your bones are growing in a healthy way. Since this remedy is often used for children with growing pains, slow growth, or slow-to-heal fractures, it may be a proper remedy for children with bone cancer.
Make sure to include your homeopathic remedies in an entire holistic plan for healing your bone cancer. Herbal remedies that may help include Astragalus, Maitake, Scutellaria, and Siberian Ginseng. Twenty minutes of sun per day can help your skin manufacture a healthier vitamin D for bone cancer than that found in vitamin D supplements. Make sure that you embark on this plan under constant medical supervision.