Homeopathy vs. Naturopathy

According to the National Institutes of Health, in 2007, 38 percent of American adults were using some form of alternative medicine. Due to concerns about the high cost and debilitating side effects of many prescription medications, more Americans are seeking safer and less-expensive ways to become healthy--often outside traditional medicine.
  1. Alternative Medicine

    • Homeopathy and naturopathy are two different health practices that fall under the general heading of "Alternative Medicine." Alternative medicine is any health modality that is not traditional allopathic medicine, as used by most physicians and hospitals. Because of its growing popularity and success rate with patients, an increasing number of physicians today are learning about alternative medicines and incorporating them into their practices.


    • Homeopathy is a specific branch of medicine with a long history. The basic principle of homeopathy is to use an extremely low dose of whatever caused the ailment to treat the ailment itself. This means that if one has poison ivy, for instance, homeopathy will treat it with minute doses of poison ivy. This works very well especially for preventive care, much in the same way that typical vaccines work.


    • Naturopathy is a healing modality that, as its name suggests, is based on nature. It uses heat, light, water and air to ward off disease and treat existing conditions. It also adds massage as a therapy. Naturopaths tend not to use processed or synthetic medications, and only occasionally will prescribe herbal remedies. They also carefully consider a person's nutrition as a means to treat health problems.

    Strengths & Weaknesses of Homeopathy

    • According to the University of Minnesota, homeopathy has been proven to be an effective way to treat many conditions. But there are certain things homeopathy can not heal, such as broken bones, for instance. On the other hand, homeopathy can speed the healing process and help relieve the pain once the broken bone has been reset. Homeopathy also can not treat conditions that are caused by poor nutrition. Homeopathy, though, is particularly good at treating conditions that have no apparent cause, like depression, anxiety and unspecified allergic reactions.

    Strengths & Weaknesses of Naturopathy

    • Naturopathic treatments have no side effects. They are based on nature, and operate under the belief that creation has provided humans with everything they need to stay healthy. Its drawback is that in an increasingly toxic world, it is difficult if not impossible to find completely untainted remedies. Naturopathy, unlike prescription drugs, also takes more time to work.

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