Treatment of Vomiting From Nausea
Ginger is one of the best cures for nausea and vomiting. It works for almost everyone and can be ingested in many forms. Gingerbread, ginger snaps, ginger tea, crystallized ginger, pickled ginger and ginger capsules are all good for ingestion between bouts of vomiting. Flat ginger ale can also be helpful, but be sure the brand you drink actually contains ginger, as many use artificial flavorings.
High-Carb Foods
Sometimes food will only serve to further upset the stomach; other times eating can help soothe the stomach and stop repeated vomiting. If you eat once and immediately feel sick again, do not try eating again for a few hours. When you do try to eat, stick with foods that are high in carbs and low in fat. Rice, plain popcorn, dry toast and similar carbohydrate-rich foods can help fill you up quickly and absorb any toxins in your stomach.
Lie Down
Even if you can't leave the bathroom, lie on the floor if you have to. The more you move around, the more your stomach shifts and further upsets itself. If you can take a nap, do so.
Drink Herbal Teas
There are a variety of herbs that can help soothe upset stomachs, but each person reacts differently. If one herb doesn't work for you, move on to the next. Whatever tea you try, add a few ice cubes after it steeps because hot water can upset already nauseated stomachs. Also, consider adding some honey, as honey has been known to help cure nausea as well. For herbs, you may try cardamom, fennel seeds, anise seeds, peppermint or chamomile.
Lemons and Limes
Some sick people find great help through lemons and limes; unfortunately, these citruses do not work for everyone. You can try limeade or lemonade, water with juice from the fruits or tea made with them, but always drink these at room temperature because stomachs have a harder time with hot and cold beverages.
Lots of Liquids
Even if you will only throw them up again, keep drinking lots of liquids. Vomiting can severely dehydrate your body, and the only way to counteract this is to keep adding more liquids. Gatorade, Vitamin Water and Smart Water are all good options as they contain electrolytes that can help hydrate your body faster than standard beverages.
Some people find flat cola, coffee or black tea helps them while nauseated, but many people find the caffeine upsets their stomach further. Experiment with these treatments at your discretion.