Homeopathic Remedies for Fever

Homeopathy treats patients with herbal preparations that are highly diluted and, on the principle that like cures like, are intended to cause mild effects similar to the symptoms the patient presents. Since the 1800s, homeopathic remedies have been used to alleviate fevers, both acute and chronic, whether related to typhoid and malaria or simple colds and flu. Homeopathic remedies are generally considered safe, without the side effects that other medications can carry.
  1. Aconite

    • For acute fever that is brought on by being in cold air, try a 30c dose of aconite every hour, to a maximum of 10 doses. Further symptoms that indicate aconite as the appropriate remedy are when the patient has extreme thirst and complains of sleeping problems and when symptoms improve when lying down or in fresh air and worsen when in warm rooms.


    • For acute fever that accompanies pain in the eyes, try a 30c dose of belladonna every hour, to a maximum of 10 doses. Further symptoms that indicate belladonna as the appropriate remedy are when the patient experiences a hypersensitivity of all the senses, heavy perspiration with only mild thirst and a throbbing pain in the head and when symptoms improve in warm surroundings and when resting and worsen in noisy surroundings.


    • For fever that accompanies head pain, try a 6c dose of gelsemium every two hours, to a maximum of 10 doses. Further symptoms that indicate the use of gelsemium are when the patient experiences influenza-type symptoms, including sore throat, headaches that affect the eyes, and an overall weakness throughout the body and when symptoms improve when she perspires profusely and worsen if she is exposed to damp, warm weather.

    Tips and Cautions

    • It is always best to consult with a licensed, professional homeopath in your area for proper recommendations on remedies and dosage. Avoid self-prescribing homeopathic remedies.

      The information herein is for informational purposes only; it is not meant as a substitute for professional medical advice.

      If you or your child has a fever that lasts more than 36 to 48 hours, or if fever accompanies delirium, fainting or rises above 102F, see your doctor immediately.

      Drink plenty of fluids, 8 to 10 glasses of water a day, particularly if you have a fever.

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