The Definition of a Homeopath
Homeopathic Drugs
Homeopathic drugs are made by heavily diluting ingredients, such as minerals and herbs, into distilled water or alcohol. The fundamental ethos of homeopathy: Like cures like. This also is known as the law of similars. In other words, the cause of the problem is also the cure. If a patient complains of insomnia, a homeopath prescribes heavily diluted caffeine. The thought behind it is to introduce the very element causing a patient's symptoms, in an attempt to balance the body.
Law of Infinitesimals
The potency of homeopathic drugs is broken down into a formula called the law of infinitesimals. It is signified by a number and letter combination, such as 6X, 30C or 200C. For example, a homeopathic drug of 6X potency has a formula of 1 part of remedy diluted by 1 million parts of water---the number six corresponds with the number of zeros following the 1. A drug of 30C potency, which is the most common dilution marketed, has a formula of 1 part of remedy diluted by 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 parts of water. Homeopaths follow the belief that the liquid used for dilution has the ability to take a spiritual imprint of the remedy, and that no matter how many times a product is diluted, the remedy still exists. According to the American Institute of Homeopathy, "These preparations reach concentrations beyond what is measurable according to current scientific methods."
Bedside Manner
Homeopaths discuss personal and social issues with a patient, such as dreams and emotional responses to stimulus. A homeopath's kind and concerned bedside manner facilitates the placebo effect, and some results from homeopathy are attributed to that. Homeopaths do not match symptoms to a cause, as medical doctors do. They match emotional responses to symptoms to their remedies.
Upon observing the work of a homeopath in the BBC documentary "The Enemies of Reason," Richard Dawkins concludes, "It's our own minds that cure the pain," not the homeopathic medicine. According to Michael Brooks, consultant for New Scientist magazine and author of the book "13 Things That Don't Make Sense," the placebo effect can have a positive effect on the outcome. In an article for the UK publication The Guardian, Brooks says, "Giving a placebo is not the same as doing nothing, which means that sometimes prescribing a placebo is better than doing nothing." He adds, "Homeopaths tend to believe in what they are doing, so there's no deception---and their conviction reinforces the placebo effect."
Holistic Treatment
Homeopathy is a holistic treatment. Holistic philosophy involves looking at the whole patient, not just the symptoms. In medical science, the symptoms lead to the cause of the sickness. Remedies that create a placebo effect have been proven to alleviate symptoms, such as headaches and stomach pain, but may not cure actual disease. Consult a medical doctor along with consulting a homeopath or other alternative medicine practitioner. According to the Mayo Clinic, "As the evidence for certain therapies increases, doctors in the United States are increasingly referring people to complementary and alternative practitioners. Your doctor may be willing to discuss these options with you."
As with any form of alternative health care, always research and proceed with caution and a critical perspective. Always consult your physician before attempting to prevent or treat any health condition with alternative methods. Many stories exist of people who did not survive treatable medical conditions, such as the 9-month-old daughter of a couple who was recently convicted of manslaughter for attempting to treat severe eczema with homeopathy.