Homeopathic Drug Detox at Home
What They Do
Homeopathic remedies are extremely diluted solutions made from herbs. In their full concentrations, many of these herbs would be harmful and might even cause some of the symptoms you wish to get rid of. By taking very small amounts of the herbs (which have been prepared by licensed homeopaths), your body builds itself up against the symptoms in a way similar to immunization.
Where to Get Them
Homeopathic remedies can be found in one of two ways. The recommended way is to go to a licensed homeopathic practitioner and have them diagnose and treat you. You may also self-diagnose your symptoms and purchase the remedies on the Internet or in a natural goods store.
For getting off of drugs, it is recommended that you take a low potency like 6c (where c is equal to 100 times the standard unit of homeopathic potency) once or twice per day over the course of a month or more. This is much better than taking a larger potency like 200c with less doses.
Drug Addiction
Two remedies that can help you fight the initial effects of drug addiction are nux vomica and avena sativa. Nux vomica can help remedy the affects of overuse of medical drugs, alcohol and antidepressants. You may need nux vomica if you are feeling tense, congested and burned out. Avena sativa helps with addiction to drugs like cocaine, heroine, marijuana and antidepressants. It can treat your exhaustion, poor concentration, anxiety and related headaches at the base of the brain.
Specific Antidotes
Here are some remedies that work specifically for particular drug addictions. Try ignatia as an antidote for psychoactive drugs and tranquilizers. It can curb your spasms, hysteria, depression and guilt. Pulsatilla counteracts antibiotic overuse and can remedy related heartburn, yellow discharges and an intolerance of fats. Psychedelic drugs like LSD can be counteracted with stramonium and belladonna.
Why Save Detox for Last
It is recommended that you use the previous homeopathic remedies first so that you can remove the desire to use your particular drug addiction from your system. If you detoxify first but have not addressed your cravings, then it is easy to go right back into your addiction.
Here are remedies for the toxicity in your body. Use sulphur to clear away drug residues like those left by antibiotics. It can help with drug eruptions or allergies and it can help those left feeling malnourished and unmotivated from drug use. Arsenicum album can help relieve overall toxicity that contributed to exhaustion, skin reactions and putrid discharges. Homeopathic aloe can be used to heal the negative effects of drugs on the liver. A healed liver can than begin to concentrate more effectively on ridding your body of toxins.