Combination Homeopathic Remedies for Sunburn

Sometimes it seems like you just can't do much after you get sunburned. You lather on as much aloe vera as you can stand and hope for the best. That being said, there may be some viability to homeopathic remedies. Try combining herbal and homemade remedies with homeopathy.
  1. Upon Diagnosis

    • Purchase the homeopathic remedy belladonna. Belladonna is a low-potency form of the deadly nightshade herb and was one of the first homeopathic remedies ever discovered. It has been used for pain, inflammation, and the redness that comes along with sun exposure. Try a low potency like 6c (where c is equal to 100 times the standard unit of homeopathic potency) once an hour to limit skin redness and irritation. Combine taking the belladonna with a compress of cold milk. Soak a T-shirt in the milk and let it rest on the area of sunburn. After a half hour of soaking, shower, towel off and apply aloe vera or calendula cream to start the healing process. Purchase these two creams along with belladonna at a natural foods store .

    Dry Skin and Burning Pain

    • If your combination of belladonna and soothing herbs and milk has not cured your sunburn, you may experience dryness and a burning sensation. For this, begin taking the homeopathic remedy Pulsatilla nigricans. Pulsatilla, also known as small pasque flower, can attack both dry skin and pain, along with emotional discomfort. Try the same dosing strategy as the belladonna, 6c every hour until symptoms have been relieved. Take belladonna and Pulsatilla at the same time. Combine the healing properties of Pulsatilla with an herbal cool bath that combines 10 drops each of the herbal oils chamomile and lavender to help with pain and to add moisture to your dry skin. Use vitamin E in its cream form to help your skin heal from any scarring or extreme redness.

    Itching and Further Treatment

    • In a similar dosing strategy to the first two remedies, use Glonoin to continue treating the burn if you still experience sunburn symptoms after a week's time. Glonoin (Glonoinum) is effective in remedying the pain and improving circulation so that the condition improves more quickly. Combine Glonoin with a topical flax seed oil containing essential fatty acids. This can reduce inflammation and begin to restore skin tone back to its original state. You may be experiencing a lot of pain and itching at this point. Try using cooled teabags on your sunburned areas to allow the tannins in the tea to begin relieving your itching. The popular poison ivy method of colloidal oatmeal on your burned areas can also alleviate the itching and painful sensations. Combine all three of these and their cumulative effect may help your burn to go away quickly.

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