Homeopathic Menopause Treatments
How Homeopathy Works
Homeopathy is based on two principles: The Law of Similars and Potentization. The Law of Similars states that some substances can cause symptoms in healthy people that are normally experienced during illness, like how cutting an onion can cause itchy, watery eyes similar to the way allergies do. Homeopaths believe that remedies to illnesses can be made from substances causing related symptoms; a homeopath could use onions to alleviate allergy symptoms. Potentization is the dilution and succussions, vigorous shaking, of these substances in order to unlock their homeopathic properties. Once a system has undergone potentization, it is administered and the recipient is observed for improvement. Further dosages are given if the remedy stops working or another substance is chosen if it is felt the remedy is not working at all.
Homeopathy for Menopause
Due to the nature of menopause, symptoms can take all kinds of forms. The intensity, sensation and trigger for hot flashes may vary from woman to woman. The types and areas of pains are also just as diverse. Because of this, it is important to very carefully select the homeopathic remedy you will use. Just like symptoms, homeopathic remedies are extremely varied, giving you the ability to tailor your remedy to your symptoms. Diligent observation of you or the person you are administering the preparation to, as well as her response to the homeopathic mixture.
Remedies for Mental Symptoms
Folliculinum can be used for both mental and physical menopausal symptoms. This substance is known to stimulate the natural production of estrogen, which is the most important and direct means to alleviating menopausal symptoms. Aconitum napellus can help with anxiety, panic attacks and over-excited feelings during menopause. Argentum nitricum and Aurum metallicum help with general feelings of depression, malaise and abandonment. For women who experience more ups and downs, Ignatia or Pulsatilla may be used; Pulsatilla is especially potent for women who tend towards weepiness. Natrum muriaticum and Staphysagria are recommended for women who often keep their boiling emotions inside.
Remedies for Physical Symptoms
Homeopathy offers a large number of remedies for hot flashes in women, such as: Phosphorus, Lycopodium, Lachesis and Kreosotum, all of which address flashes of different types. Kali Bromatum, Calcarea carbonica, Belladonna and Sepia all help to regulate periods in different ways. Glonoinum and Ignatia may be used to remedy headaches, migraines and other pains throughout the body.