Home Remedies for Lowering Cortisol
Holy Basil
Holy basil is an herb that can be used as a home remedy for lowering cortisol levels. This herb is native to India and has several uses. When used daily, it is said to be beneficial in lowering cortisol levels in the body. When cortisol levels are lowered, so are blood sugar levels. Holy basil can also help to reduce and prevent stress when used to lower cortisol levels.
Pain Management
Pain can cause cortisol levels to rise, even simple headache pain. If you are suffering from chronic pain and have a high cortisol level, managing that pain can lead to a lower cortisol level. Things as simple as regular, gentle exercise can help many types of muscle and joint pain. Some types of pain need to be treated by a medical doctor.
Eliminate Caffeine
Caffeine can cause cortisol levels to rise so eliminating caffeine from your diet can result in a lower cortisol level. It is said that caffeine is capable of increasing cortisol levels in the blood by about thirty percent. Even a drastic reduction in your caffeine intake can result in a lower cortisol level.
Regular Exercise
Exercising regularly can help to lower cortisol levels. It also helps to reduce stress. You do not have to perform strenuous exercise and if you do not exercise often it is best to start out slowly. Start with mild to moderate exercise, such as walking, and do it for about 15 minutes and gradually build up to 30 minutes at least 4 to 5 days a week.
Healthy Diet
A healthy diet is essential to a healthy body, but it also helps to lower cortisol levels. Eating a diet rich in whole grains, dairy, fruits and vegetables can help to lower cortisol levels. Foods that are packed with essential fatty acids and fish oils, such as salmon, are also said to be beneficial in lowering cortisol levels.