Dental Pain Relief
Gum and Teeth Pain
Many people suffer from chronic gum problems caused by gum disease, and they might need specialized help, including special cleaning techniques. But these procedures can be difficult for patients with extreme sensitivity, and some must have repeated shots to numb the areas, causing pain and irritation. Some dentists use a product called Gum Ease, which mildly numbs the area where the shot is given and makes it somewhat less painful. For patients who have severe pain, it might be necessary to use nitrous oxide or laughing gas.
Extradental Pain
Some types of headaches such as migraines cause dental pain. The US Pharmacist website reports that these headaches can occur in clusters and cause waves of pain to shoot through the teeth and jaws. In these cases, emergency care might be necessary. Patients who experience severe, debilitating pain might need IV pain relief.
Pain Relief Medications
Medicine like Tylenol can be used to treat mild dental pain. But if the pain is much worse and is interfering with the patient being able to do normal activities, then stronger medication might be prescribed by the dentist and dispensed by a pharmacist. The US Pharmacist reports that over-the-counter medications that say they will treat oral pain are rarely helpful. It also says products that contain Benzocaine--such as Orajel--are not recommended because the FDA has never approved Benzocaine to be used for tooth pain. Persistent dental pain might be a sign of something bigger, so contacting your dentist as soon as possible is recommended.
Unconventional Methods
Some people are fonder of using home remedies. For those individuals who want to try this, the World Health website reports there are some you can try:
• Cow parsnip seed tincture: Five drops on the tooth
• Using ice can help to numb the painful site and reduce swelling
• Use peppermint leaves around the painful tooth
• Use a chilled cucumber (thickly sliced) on the tooth
• Use garlic in combination with rock salt on the painful toothIf none of the home remedies work, then you might need further medical advice.