Easy Ways to Get Rid of Stomach Problems
Digestive Issues
A couple of basic food remedies are known to settle the stomach by reducing pain and soothing nausea.
Two of the most common stomach soothers include ginger and mint. Both ginger and mint can be consumed in any form and will have the same stomach-soothing effect. Fresh ginger can be chewed or made into a tea. Ginger can also be bought in candied form, where it has been infused with sugar, or it can be sipped in the form of ginger ale.
Like ginger, fresh mint leaves can be chewed or made into a tea. Other forms of mint that will help soothe the stomach include mint hard candies and mint gum.
Food Poisoning
If you have consumed food that has gone bad, even if it tastes and smells fine, your body will reject it. This is what causes the symptoms of food poisoning. A food remedy for food poisoning consists of a combination of burned toast and either hot or cold black tea. The charred part of the toast contains charcoal-like carbon compounds, which can help suck out toxins, and black tea contains tannins, which neutralizes them.
You can also remove the bad food from your system more quickly by helping your body produce digestive juices, which can help break down the troublesome foods quickly. To promote the secretion of digestive juices, chew on gum or candy or sniff your favorite food scents. Chewing and smelling desirable foods both make your digestion pick up, and the faster you get food out of your system, the faster you will begin feeling better.
Dome gentle yoga can help relieve stomach aches by eliminating gas pockets. Simply lie on your back and lift one knee to your chest. Hold for 30 seconds, then alternate legs. This simple movement will work the muscles of your stomach and can help eliminate stomach pain.