Healing Spices
If your having problems with your digestive system, this blend can help the healing. Allspice works wonders to combat flatulence and diarrhea. You can take it in your cup of tea or spice up a glass of lemonade. When used as a compress, it soothe arthritis pain.
Use this herb to help soothe insect bites. It can stop the itching on contact. Make a tea out of basil for any kind of stomach distress such as cramps or constipation. After a long day, a cup of basil tea can ease stress and headaches. Keep basil in the house in case your family gets hit with the flu. It can help bring down the fever that comes along with that seasonal bug.
Sage promotes the healing of acne when used as a paste on the outbreak area. It also works well for indigestion and gas. Gum infections, breast pain and throat infections all respond well to sage. Teas containing sage may also help alleviate anxiety and depression.
A study done in 2003 that was cited by the American Diabetes Association showed that taking as little as a half teaspoon of cinnamon every morning reduced the level of blood sugar significantly in those suffering from type 2 diabetes. There is also a correlation between daily intake of cinnamon and fewer urinary tract infections. Cinnamon lowered the triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol in the same study. Cinnamon has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used as an alternative for the anti-inflammatory drugs.
Bay leaf
Compresses made from bay leaf can be applied to the chest to help clear congestion due to bronchitis or the flu. The same type of compress can promote the heeling of a sprained joint. That also goes for arthritis pain. Bay leaf also works as an appetite stimulator. This spice can also help with the healing of stomach distress and works well when given for a baby's colic.
Black pepper can aid intestinal maladies. It breaks up the formation of gas and offers much relief from stomach cramps. A mixture of honey and black pepper is taken every day by many East Indians to prevent common illnesses. They bump it up to three of four times a day when treating acute illnesses. This spice has been used to treat asthma, sinus congestion, sore throat, diarrhea, hemorrhoids and many other conditions
Cayenne Pepper has been used to improve circulation. It is also used in compresses and creams as an analgesic. It may help relieve conditions ranging from back pain and swollen joints to arthritis, sprains and general muscle pain. Pain from menstrual cramps and fibroid tumors respond well to oral ingestion of cayenne.
Boswellia or Indian Frankincense
This spice has anti-inflammatory properties and is used to treat back pain. It can be used as a rub on sore joints from injuries or arthritis. It is also used as a general pain reliever when taken orally.