How a Man Can Look Younger
Men who are healthier always look much younger. Exercising regularly and keeping excess fat off your belly is the best way to fool people into thinking you are from a different decade. Weight training will add muscle definition and provide a chance to show off the guns (biceps) at any given opportunity.
Eating foods high in vitamins and minerals and low in fats and sugars will help in the weight loss department, but will also make the skin shinier and cleaner because you are feeding your body healthy nutrients.
While most think that a tan brings a youthful appearance, the damage the sun does to your skin may cause problems in the future. Stay out of the sun for hours and use spray-on tanning if you are really craving color.
Once you have sculpted your body, it's time to change your outward appearance. Starting at the top, if you are balding, don't try to fake it, it's time to shave the hair completely, buy a toupee, join a men's hair regrowing club or take Propecia medicine. Either a full head of hair or a completely shaved head will enhance your appearance.
Ditch the glasses for contacts or laser corrective surgery. Glasses always add years to an appearance. Fix your teeth by using whitening solutions and wearing adult braces. A beautiful smile is a key to success as many women note that eyes and teeth are the first things they notice. Use Chap Stick to keep lips moisturized and kissable. Shave the facial hair, because beards always remind people of their grandfather. For eyebrows, thickness is ok, but make sure they are trimmed into order, no bushiness.
As for clothes, wear bright colors like orange and blue, and also colors that complement our eyes.
Changing your attitude will not only make you a happier person but also let people around you know how comfortable you are with life. Smiling and doing activities that make you satisfied will increase your pleasure greatly. Trying new activities is also a bonus way to get your head on straight. Present yourself as a happy, well adjusted; life-loving person and the people around you will see that you still have many more years left in life.
Take stress out of your life by remembering not to sweat the small details and looking at the bigger picture.
By changing a few simple things, people can take many years off their appearance and the others around you will notice the strides you are making to improve yourself.