Homeopathic Remedies for Coughing & Vomiting
Antimonium tartaricum
In "The Complete Homeopathy Handbook: Safe and Effective Ways to Treat Fevers, Coughs, Colds and Sore Throats, Childhood Ailments, Food Poisoning, Flu, and a Wide Range of Everyday Complaints," author Miranda Castro explains that coughing and vomiting can be successfully treated with Antimonium tartaricum. The later homeopathic treatment works well to alleviate chest and respiratory complaints including a loud rattling cough, an asthmatic cough with abdominal difficulties. It also works well as an expectorant for expedient mucous removal. Antiominium tartaricum is a remedy that will treat coughing and vomiting caused by pneumonia, bronchitis, whooping cough, or a chest infection too. Antimonium Tartaricum 30C can be consumed by adults at a dosage of four tablets four times a day. Children can use the treatment by consuming two tablets four times daily; tablets are dissolved under the tongue every four hours until relief is obtained.
In "Homeopathic Self Care," Robert Ullman and Judyth Reichenberg explain that Drosera, otherwise called Sundew extract, can be used to alleviate excessive coughing that causes vomiting. Drosera is an appropriate treatment for violent coughing with excessive respiratory difficulties and choking; the cough may be dry, croupy, spasmodic, and in turn, results in excessive vomiting and gagging. This treatment works equally well for whooping cough, a barking cough, and for the treatment of Croup. Drosera extract can be consumed by adults at a dosage of 1/8- to 1/4-teaspoon three times daily to alleviate chronic coughing, but it should not be used by pregnant women or women who are nursing.
In the "American Medical Union's North American Journal of Homeopathy--Volume 64," euphrasia, otherwise identified as eyebright, is suggested as a treatment for painful, acute, hacking cough with excessive mucous that is green, yellow, or tinged with blood. The cough may be worsened by being exposed to the open air, and the cough may be particularly excessive in the morning hours. This remedy is ideal for treating a croupy cough, whooping cough, pneumonia, and bronchitis. The remedy can be offered to adults at a dosage of 30- to 40-drops of euphrasia extract mixed with 1-cup of water. The extract should be taken two to five times daily until the cough subsides.