Homeopathic DiverticulitisTreatments
High Fiber
According to WebMD, doctors aren't sure about the cause of diverticulitis. However, it is commonly believed that a lack of fiber in the diet can lead to it. Fiber adds bulk to the stool and naturally pushes waste through the intestinal tract. Otherwise the colon has to work too hard in forcing digested material through the intestines. Fiber such as oat bran, psyllium and ground flax seeds, when added to the diet, will put enough fiber into the digestive system to regulate it and help prevent digestive disorders such as diverticulitis, according to WellFx.com.
Belladona, or Deadly Nightshade, is a plant whose foliage and berries are toxic. Homeopaths use a dilution of the plant that is safe, and although there is little scientific proof to support its uses, it is considered beneficial for treatment of diverticulitis symptoms such as cramping that tends to accompany constipation.
Also known as bitter apple or bitter cucumber, colocynthis is a plant native to the Mediterranean, Asia and Turkey. It is used as a homeopathic cure for cutting, cramping abdominal pains that seem to alleviate with pressure and often accompany restlessness or diarrhea. Medicines formed from the colocynth plant were used as powerful purging agents and abortion drugs before the days of modern medicine.
Herbal information website Herbs2000.com says Bryonia was used by the ancient Greeks and Romans for treating conditions such as gangrene, gout, vertigo and coughing, among others. It is a perennial climbing herb found primarily in Europe that can help treat diverticular abdominal pain that seems to alleviate with heat and accompanies dry, hard stool, vomiting and constipation, according to WellFx.com. Treatment with Byronia is typically prepared using the root of the plant and mixed with alcohol.