Home Remedy for a Sore Throat & Cough
Herbal Tea
Herbal tea has been used for centuries by the Chinese to treat everything from the flu to digestive problems. There are many different types of herbal teas out there, many of which can help a cough. The best-known herbal tea for a cough is chamomile. To prepare properly, pour hot water into a mug along with the tea. Allow the tea to steep for about one minute. Mix in 1 tsp. of honey and a splash of lemon juice. Drink the mixture slowly and your cough will slowly melt away.
Ginger is one of nature's little miracles. Its healing enzymes suppress the stingiest of coughs. Ginger can be purchased in a few different forms, but for this application either sliced or whole ginger is preferable. When you feel the urge to cough, chew a few pieces of sliced ginger, and as the ginger is crushed in your mouth, its healing enzymes are released, and your cough will be quickly suppressed.
Garlic is another one of nature's cure-alls. Its healing enzymes can battle a cough to the bitter end. To prepare properly, mince a half-pound of garlic and place it into a quart jar. Completely cover the garlic with honey and place the lid on the jar, and tighten. Place the mixture into the refrigerator for at least 24 hours and, when you wake up in the morning, take 1 tsp. the garlic mixture to suppress your cough.
A quick treatment for a cough is steam. Breathing in steam helps hydrate the airways and soothes the irritated throat and lungs. To accomplish this you can take a hot bath or shower. You can also boil a pot of water and breathe in the steam that it lets off. Both will be very effective in subduing a bad cough and sore throat.
Warm Milk
Warm milk is another effective remedy for a sore throat and cough, especially right before bed. Before bed, warm up a cup of milk either in the microwave or on the stovetop, and pour the milk into a mug. Mix in 1 tbsp. of honey and drink slowly. The milk and honey will be absorbed into the throat and will stop your cough just in time to sleep.