Homeopathic Cure for Candida
Probiotics are known as good bacteria or germs; in addition to benefitting our immune system, they work to prevent damaging organisms (like Candida) from developing. Probiotic supplements contain the microbes lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacteria. As described by the Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, lactobacillus acidophilus decreases the population of yeast in the system and is effective in both treating and preventing Candida infections. Probiotics like acidophilus can be found in cultured dairy products such as yogurt or kefir, along with a number of fermented foods.
Herbal Remedies & Supplements
According to the Truestar Health Encyclopedia, "homeopathic remedies can soothe discomfort and help the body overcome infection without the use of toxic medicines." Along those lines, they recommend using borax, calcarea carbonica, kali bichromicum, kreosotum, natrum muriaticum, pulsatilla, sepia and sulphur for the treatment of various types of Candida infections. The Herbal Remedies Info website also names aloe, barberry, cinnamon, lavender, olive leaf, oregano oil, pau d'arco, peppermint, rosemary, thyme oil and peppermint as herbal cures for Candida. Taking supplements such as echinacea, goldenseal, grape root extract, licorice root and tea tree oil can help cure Candida infections. Additionally, garlic (in food or capsule form) boosts immune-building properties and can serve as an antifungal agent.
Preventive Measures
Because homeopathic treatments for Candida are not capable of acting as a permanent or long-term cure, one of the best things you can do is take preventive measures. This includes maintaining a healthy diet and weight, drinking a sufficient amount of water (to ensure your digestive tract gets properly cleansed), only using antibiotics when necessary and not for extended periods of time and avoiding bath and body products that are artificially scented or made of harsh chemicals. Check with your doctor before employing any cleansing methods such as douching; such methods can eliminate all of the body's bacteria, even the ones that help us to counter Candida infections.