Homeopathic Remedies for Scalp Problems
Dandruff is a common condition associated with itchiness and flakiness of dry skin from the scalp. Although dandruff is not contagious, it does cause many people considerable social embarrassment. According to "The Family Guide to Homeopathy," sulphur is a useful treatment for dandruff that is thick and causes itchiness primarily in the evening. Sulphur is available in supplement form, and can be consumed at a dose of 500mg to 1000mg per day to treat dandruff, itchiness and dry skin. You can also get more sulphur in your diet by consuming eggs, fish, peas, dried beans, whole-milk products, kale, wheat germ, asparagus, onions, garlic, Brussels sprouts and poultry.
Psoriasis is a skin condition that manifests as dry patches of red skin accompanied by severe itchiness. Psoriasis is flaky, dry, and can look much like dandruff when it appears on the scalp. There are several all-natural ways to combat psoriasis. One of the best methods is the consumption of fish oil, which contains omega-3 fatty acids that help diminish skin inflammation. Ingest 3g of the oil per day.
You can also use aloe vera to treat psoriasis-related scalp problems; take the plant and extract the gel from one of its leaves by cutting the leaf lengthwise. Apply the gel directly to the sore, tender and itchy areas of your scalp. You can also buy aloe vera gel at your local drugstore, but make sure it contains a high percentage of the extract. Aloe promotes healing and also reduces the chance of scars.
Eczema is a condition that causes itchy, cracked, scaly and irritated skin; it can occur anywhere on the body, including the scalp. Some homeopathic treatments for eczema include the use of calendula, an herb that promotes a healthy immune system, alleviates inflamed tissues and soothes the overall condition of the skin. Calendula is safe to consume as a tea three times daily by brewing 5g to 10g of dried calendula florets in 250 ml of water for 15 minutes. Calendula ointment can also be directly applied to the affected areas on the scalp to mitigate itchiness and tenderness. Apply a cream that contains 5 percent calendula three to four times daily.