Homeopathy for Perimenopausal Cold Flash Symptoms
What are Cold Flashes?
In Making Sense of Menopause, Faye Kitchener Cone explains what happens to the body when a woman experiences a cold flash due to perimenopausal conditions. While the causes for hot and cold flashes have yet to be identified, it is believed that an imbalance occurs in the hypothalamus due to hormonal fluctuations. These fluctuations make it difficult for the body to continuously regulate body temperature. Some women only experience hot flashes: a sense of warmth which can be followed by a hot flush, while other women experience cold flashes following hot flashes. A cold flash will make you feel extremely cold, and you will find yourself layering your clothing in an effort to warm yourself. It is believed that when your body attempts to cool down after a hot flash, the natural regulation process results in a cold flash.
Treating Cold Flashes
Since cold flashes are instigated by hot flashes and the continuous, random fluctuation of body temperature during perimenopause, it is necessary to treat the hot flashes to prevent cold flashes from occurring. According to Asa Hershoff in Homeopathic Remedies: A Quick and Easy Guide to Common Disorders and Their Homeopathic Treatments, lachesis, selenium, and belladonna are all powerful homeopathic treatments to reduce hot flashes, and also prevent cold flashes.
Lachesis Mutus
Lachesis can be used to help diminish hot flashes as well as hot flushes. Lachesis mutus comes from the Bushmaster snake; it is a diluted solution of the snake's venom. Lachesis is offered in commercial form as an extremely diluted venom; it can be taken in liquid form or tablets. Commercially, lachesis is identified as Lachesis 12x. There are no side effects associated with the use of lachesis mutus when it is used in its most diluted form, but high amounts of this remedy can cause hemorrhaging, paralysis, and death. This product is also available in small pellets that can be dissolved under your tongue; take three to six pellets three to four times daily for hot flash relieve.
Selenium works in conjunction with vitamin E and is a mineral that promotes "anti-aging," because it is filled with free radical destroying antioxidants. Selenium also provides relief for hot flashes associated with perimenopause and menopause. You can take this supplement at a dosage of 200 micrograms once daily without any health repercussions or side effects for relief of hot flashes and cold flash prevention.
Belladonna is a beneficial treatment for hot flashes that are seemingly abrupt or those flashes that come on suddenly. Mark and Angela Stengler, authors of Your Menopause, Your Menotype: Find Your Type and Free Yourself from the Symptoms of Menopause, assert that this herb has been used to deal with night sweats, facial flushing, and right-sided throbbing headaches. This herb is offered in small tablets that can be dissolved under the tongue; four tablets can be used four times daily to stop hot flashes and for cold flash prevention.