Homeopathic Remedies for Cystitis

The three philosophies that homeopathy is based on are: minimum dose; like cures like; and single remedy. Each of these philosophy's ultimate goal is to trigger the body's own healing powers using minerals, herbs or elements in minute, highly potent doses. Cystitis is typically caused by an infection of the bladder, which causes inflammation and pain. Homeopathic remedies can help alleviate the symptoms associated with cystitis safely and effectively.
  1. Cantharis

    • For cystitis that is described as a burning pain coupled with the constant urge to urinate, the remedy cantharis is recommended. Cantharis is appropriate when the individual is restless, frequently irritable--particularly when he is ill--and sometimes displays anger that can develop into a violent rage. His physical symptoms typically improve when he is kept warm. During the evening, symptoms tend to worsen if he has coffee or cold drinks.

    Nux vomica

    • When an individual suffers cystitis symptoms that include spasm-type pain in the bladder and a nagging urge to urinate, Nux vomica is typically prescribed. Nux vomica is appropriate when the individual is driven, stressed and is a workaholic. Physical symptoms will improve when she is kept warm and is well-rested, and they tend to worsen when she is mentally fatigued, if she eats spicy foods or ingests stimulants such as coffee.


    • Berberis might be taken when the symptoms can be described as a sharp, burning pain that radiates outward. Berberis is appropriate when the individual is lethargic and listless and has trouble concentrating. Physical symptoms will tend to improve after urinating, but worsen when urinating.


    • Lilium is indicated when pain is stinging and burning during and after urination. The sufferer will also constantly feel the need to urinate to little or no avail. Lilium is appropriate when personality symptoms indicate an individual who is hurried, often impatient, tends to try to accomplish too many things at once, and is remorseful. Physical symptoms will improve when the person is in cool, fresh air and tend to worsen when in warm surroundings and if he is jarred or moved unexpectedly


    • This might be prescribed when symptoms include a strong desire to urinate but an inability to do so. Causticum is appropriate when the personality symptoms are of a serious, introspective person, he tends to be absent-minded and prone to irrational fears, which instills in him a need for compulsive-type behavior. Physical symptoms generally improve when he is kept warm or drinking cold beverages and tend to worsen when he is in arid, cold temperatures, during the evening and if he drinks coffee.


    • Never self-prescribe homeopathic remedies; consult a licensed homeopath in your area for appropriate remedies and dosages.

      If there is blood in the urine, a high fever or symptoms last more than 24 to 36 hours, see a health care practitioner.

      This information is not meant to replace professional medical advice, it is for informational purposes only.

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