Homeopathic Remedies for Senile Dementia
Homeopathic Dementia Treatments
Alumina is used when the patient exhibits lethargy and sluggishness in many different functions, including intellectually. This condition may be accompanied by dry skin and mucus membranes, confusion, slow and deliberate movements and thoughts, with anxiousness when hurried. Ambra grisea may be needed by those with forgetfulness, a lack of previous comprehension, confusion, easy embarrassment and a fear of strangers. The patient may ask questions without waiting for their answers. Baryta carbonica is a homeopathic remedy used with the elderly that have childish reactions, mental impairments and difficulties making decisions. The patient may be shy, passive, anxious and overweight. Carbo vegetalis (Carbo veg) has been nicknamed the "corpse reviver" as it has helped patients off of their deathbeds. It can be used for irritability, physical sluggishness and emotional lethargy. Though carbo veg is not completely associated with dementia, it may help a patient to regain a desire to live and learn, which is very important in proper mental functioning.
More Homeopathic Remedies
Helleborus niger can be used when there is a severe level of mental dullness that resembles a stupor, that accompanies an inability to concentrate and a weak memory. This remedy, which is often referred to as the Christmas Rose or the Black Hellebore, can also help with a decrease in vision and hearing and with depression. Lycopodium is helpful for elderly insomnia, depression, anxiety and errors in speaking, reading or writing. There is a lack of self-confidence, a fear of failure and death and a tyranny with family members. Nux moschata may be needed if the patient has a dry mouth, eyes, mucus membranes and a deficiency in memory and confusion that resembles extreme drowsiness. An emaciated patient with irritability and cognitive impairment may need Secale cornatum. Selenium can be used when there is weakness of the entire body (including mentally) and to decrease liver enlargement.
Complementary Vitamins and Herbs
Gingko biloba is often mentioned in relationship to memory, as some think that its improvement of blood circulation increases effectiveness to the brain as well. Gotu kola and Siberian ginseng improve a declining memory by enhancing the abilities of nerve cells and improving their ionic balances. Lowered levels of B-complex vitamins have been linked to Alzheimer's Disease, so it is a good idea to supplement those to keep levels at normal. Other substances that may help are evening primrose oil, vitamins A, C and E and Coenzyme Q10.