Homeopathic Remedies for Compulsive Anxiety Behaviors
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
This ailment is characterized by nearly constant feelings of anxiety about such subjects as finances, family, health and relationships. Although most people diagnosed with this disorder are able to recognize their anxiety as irrational, they are unable to control it. Symptoms include insomnia, irritability, tension and muscle aches. Argentum nitricum can help those with generalized anxiety disorder, especially when anxiety arises before a big event. Lycopodium and silicea are also recommended; they boost confidence, especially in social situations.
Characterized as an excessive fear of objects or situations that interfere with normal functioning, phobias can severely impacts your life. Phobia patients also are often aware of the irrationality of their fears and tend to avoid the sources of their anxiety. Sufferers can experience weakness and trembling, chills, diarrhea, sweat, headaches, heavy limbs, sore scalp and apprehension before leaving their home and going out in public. Gelsemium can help those stricken with phobias.
Panic Disorder
People diagnosed with panic disorder experience intense surges of fear, or panic attacks, that can include rapid heartbeat, trembling, shortness of breath, nausea and dizziness. The vast majority of sufferers cannot predict when a panic attack will occur, nor can they predict why. Aconitum napellus is recommended for anyone with a panic disorder.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Those who have obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, are plagued with persistent, intrusive thoughts, or are compelled to perform irrational behaviors. OCD patients often have repetitive actions they must perform, like hand washing, or repeated counting. These obsessions can consume a lot of time out of each day. Arsenicum album can aid OCD patients.
Phosphorous can be taken for all anxiety disorders because it helps with anxiety triggered by almost anything. Symptoms include nervousness around others, overextended sympathy, palpitations, nausea, tight chest, dry cough, burning in the abdomen, thirst and face flushing.
You can order any of the aforementioned remedies online or over the counter. Homeopathic physicians recommend beginning with a lower potency--6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X or 30C-- and following the instructions on the label. Take one dose and wait to see how it affects you. Continue taking one dose daily if improvement is seen. If no improvement is seen, try two doses. If you raise the dosage and no improvement is seen, you may want to try a different remedy.