Homeopathic Cancer Remedies
Research Findings
In 2009, researchers Kassab et al. from the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital reported the results of a meta-analysis they conducted to determine whether homeopathic remedies were able to bring relief to patients suffering from the side effects of cancer treatments. They found that topical calendula was successful in preventing skin problems related to radiation, while Traumeel S, a homeopathic mouth rinse, was successful in preventing stomatitis (mouth ulcers) in patients undergoing chemotherapy. Results of other studies they reviewed were mixed, with some reporting benefits and some not. None of the studies they reviewed showed any serious reactions or side effects from the use of homeopathic remedies.
In 2008 researchers Banerji et al. from the PBH Research Foundation reported the results of a study they had conducted using homeopathic medicine to treat patients with malignant tumors. Patients with cancer of the lung and esophagus were treated with homeopathic treatments according to protocols developed by the study's authors; there was "complete regression of the tumors." Based on this preliminary study, additional studies are planned. Other studies (Jonas 2006, Kumar 2007 and Es 2007) have shown that homeopathic remedies slow the growth of cancerous tumors in mice studies and laboratory settings.
Based on these studies, there is evidence that homeopathic remedies can help manage the side effects of cancer treatment, and may provide some benefit in the treatment of cancer as well.
Using Homeopathy
In the case of serious illnesses such as cancer, it is best to work with a trained homeopath. When choosing homeopathic remedies, choose one that most closely matches all of your symptoms. There are a number of remedies, for example, used to treat nausea; your other symptoms will help you determine which will work best for you. Take one dose (three pellets) of a lower potency remedy (30C for example) and wait 15 to 30 minutes to see if the remedy works. If it doesn't, you can take a second dose. If there is no improvement after two doses, you should try a different remedy. If a remedy does work for you, you can take it as needed when symptoms return. Homeopathic medicines work best when placed under the tongue and allowed to dissolve. Avoid eating or drinking anything for 30 minutes before or after using the homeopathic remedy for best results. Talk with your oncologist about any complementary or alternative therapies you are using.
Remedy Choices
If you have nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy that is debilitating, choose the remedy Cadmium sulphuratum. Other indications for this remedy include chills and exhaustion. Another remedy for severe and debilitating nausea is Sepia. Choose this remedy if you also have a headache, feel weary, and prefer to be left alone. If post-treatment nausea and vomiting do not bring relief, choose the remedy Ipecacuanha. Other indications for this remedy include profuse salivation, and not receiving relief from resting or lying down. If you experience nausea but no vomiting, Nux vomica is the remedy of choice. Other indications for this remedy are a headache; sensitivity to noise, light or odors; irritability and impatience. If feeling anxious and nervous makes you ill, and you are weak or trembling, choose the remedy Gelsemium. If you have experienced a lengthy illness or period of stress that has left you feeling weak and exhausted, choose the remedy Kali phosphoricum. Other indications for this remedy include sensitivity to sound and light, chills, depression and feeling unable to cope. This remedy may also help with the mental dullness known as "chemo fog." If you have had radiation, consider using a calendula cream to prevent skin irritation, as well as the homeopathic remedy Cadmium iodatum. A homeopathic practitioner may be able to determine other remedies that will be helpful to you as well.