Homeopathic Remedies for Headache
Kalium bichromicum
When headache pain is migraine in origin and tends to cause blurred vision, homeopaths sometimes recommend the remedy Kalium bichromicum in 30C. Kalium bichromicum is the appropriate remedy when the individual's symptoms improve when he is exposed to warmth or lying down, and when the symptoms tend to worsen when the individual is exposed to cold air or when bending over.
Allium cepa
When personality symptoms include a tendency toward melancholy and anxiety, and when a headache is described as sharp and burning, the remedy Allium cepa in 6C dose is sometimes prescribed by homeopaths to alleviate headache pain. Allium cepa is the correct remedy when the individual's symptoms tend to improve when she is exposed to the open air and when they tend to worsen when in a warm room.
Natrum muriaticum
The remedy Natrum muriaticum in 6C dose is sometimes prescribed by homeopaths when personality symptoms include rejection of sympathy and a strong desire to be left alone. Natrum muriaticum is the correct remedy when an individual's symptoms tend to improve when he is in fresh air or when lying down, and when symptoms tend to worsen when the individual is in warm, stuffy rooms.
Tips and Cautions
This information is not meant to be used as a replacement for professional medical advice, it is intended for informational purposes only. If a headache follows a head injury, call 911. If headache accompanies a fever of 100°F (38°C) with blurred vision and light sensitivity, see a health care practitioner asap. Never self prescribe; consult a licensed, professional homeopath for proper dosage and remedies.