Online Nutritional Therapy
Professional Nutritional Therapy
The phrase professional nutritional therapy is somewhat misleading. In the United States, there is no licensure for nutritional therapist, per se. When seeking a professional in the field, a licensed or registered dietitian will have the most training and education in the area of nutrition and nutritional therapy.
The website eNutrition Care offers online nutritional therapy by a team of registered dietitians. These dietitians will provide nutrition assessments, pediatric care, information on weight loss surgeries, food-drug interactions, immune disorders, diabetes management and generalized health improvement. Specialties of the eNutrition team include childhood obesity, celiac disease, high cholesterol, chronic kidney disease, food allergies, pre-op and post-op weight loss surgery counseling, hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome, healthy weight loss and sports nutrition.
When you sign up for an account with eNutrition Care, you will be assigned to a registered dietitian that will work with you individually. eNutrition charges no monthly fees, but each service offered on the site costs a separate fee. If you plan to involve your entire family with online nutritional therapy, you can also add family and friends to your account, and nutritional therapy advice will apply to everyone who is using the same account.
To get started with eNutrition Care, you can create an account by filling out the registration form. You will get an assessment to determine your health status at the time of your sign-up, as well as your health and nutrition goals. Once you are signed up, you can log in to the system at any time that is convenient to you.
Peer Help Therapy
If you don't want to pay for nutritional therapy guidance, there are places online where you can find peer-to-peer advice. While this is not professional nutritional therapy information, many of the people sharing nutritional therapy advice in forums have had experience with certified dietitians and will pass the information that they received on to other people who are trying to fight similar health issues. For instance, the forums at CancerCompass include a section on nutritional therapy where individuals dealing with cancer share which foods have helped in their own recoveries and diet changes they have made to try to prevent the cancer from coming back.