Homeopathy Sinus Infection Treatment

Sinus infections are painful conditions caused by a virus, bacteria or a fungus. A cold that seems never to go away may be a chronic sinus infection. The infection causes annoying stuffiness, interferes with sleep and, in extreme cases, can spread to other areas of the head, including the brain.
  1. Using Homeopathy

    • Homeopathic remedies are safe to use regardless of your age or health. They do not interfere with prescription medications, although you should consult with your doctor if you are taking them. Homeopathic remedies usually work quickly; however, if you don't experience relief within a few days or symptoms worsen, talk with your doctor.

      The usual dose of a homeopathic remedy is one to three pellets (tablets) of the 30C potency (strength) taken one to three hours apart for a maximum of three doses, or as instructed by your homeopathic practitioner. Generally, if you have not experienced relief after three doses, you need a different remedy.

      Homeopathy takes a whole person approach. It does not suggest a single remedy for all sinus infections, but rather one based on your individual symptoms, both physical and mental. If you choose the wrong remedy, it won't hurt you; you just won't be helped by it. Homeopathy will complement other treatments you may be using, such as nasal irrigation.


    • Mercurius is recommended for the following symptoms: the front of your face hurts; your nose is runny, and the mucus is yellow-green, thick and foul smelling; your tongue appears to have a gray coating; and you experience a metallic taste. Additionally, you have developed particularly bad breath and your cheeks may look puffy or swollen.

      Other signs that you may be a candidate for mercurius: You suffer frequent colds, which tend to move into the sinuses, and your symptoms worsen at night and when your are exposed to extremely hot or cold weather. Furthermore, you don't like drafts or being touched when you are sick.


    • Hydrastis is recommended if the front of your head aches and you have post nasal drip. Your pain lessens when you press on your sinuses. When you are outside, your nose runs but your headache pain diminishes; as soon as you return to a warm room, your nose becomes stuffed up again. Your nasal mucus may be watery and acrid, or thick and foul smelling; the mucus is yellow or may be bloody. You constantly need to blow your nose, which feels like it is burning or raw on the inside.

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