Homeopathic Cures for High Blood Pressure
Garlic can stabilize blood pressure, and those that take garlic supplements have been shown to have lower blood pressure. Garlic is a natural blood thinner, according to evidence-based research done by Nature Standard Research Collaboration.
Fish Oil
The essential Omega 3 acids in fish oil improve the functioning of the circulatory system, according to the American Heart Association. It has antioxidant health benefits, too.
Healthy red blood cell counts are key to a healthy circulatory system. Red blood cells require folate, which is found in natural foods like dark leafy vegetables, legumes and avocados. You can also supplement your folate intake through the more effective man-made folic acid, found in vitamin supplements, to reduce homocysteine levels, which lowers blood pressure.
Foods rich in magnesium are helpful for lowering blood pressure. You can eat healthy foods like nuts, wheat, rice, soy and beans to increase magnesium levels and lower blood pressure.
Potassium is another natural cure for high blood pressure, according to lead researcher Dr. Susan Hedayati at Duke University in a recent study. It can be found in bananas, cauliflower, melons, oranges and grapefruits.
Sodium can increase blood pressure. Salt should be avoided, and many processed foods or diet sodas are especially high in sodium.