Homeopathic Cold Remedy
Homeopathy Overview
Homeopathic remedies treat patients with natural medicines derived from plants, animals and minerals in very small doses. Most homeopathic remedies can be purchased in health food and supplement stores or on the Internet. Difficult-to- locate remedies can be purchased from a homeopathic practitioner. Any medicinal treatment should be used with caution and under the advisement of a health practitioner.
This remedy, derived from a pretty purple flower, is used for colds when a yellow discharge is present in the eyes or nose. It can also help an excessively runny nose, a headache and a loose cough. Pulsatilla for colds comes in pellet or liquid form and is usually given in doses of 4 drops or two pellets per dose. You can take a dose every 15 minutes, up to six times.
Mercurius Solubilis
This comes in liquid and pellet forms and should be used only in small doses. It is used to treat people with sore throats and swollen glands. It can also be used to treat a phlegm-filled cough. Package directions should be followed to the letter because this can be harmful in high doses. Standard dosing of four drops of liquid or two pellets is advised.
For a cold with flu-like symptoms such as weakness, aching and joint pain, this may work. Made from a yellow flower that grows in the southern United States, Gelsemium can also treat fever and swollen tonsils. It should only be used in small doses. This can be taken in tablet or liquid form.
At the first sign of a cold, you can take aconite, a mountain plant native to Europe, to ward off infection and inflammation. It is used to treat fever, inflammation, infection, sore throat, cough, ear problems and eye problems.