Homeopathy Treatments for Joint Pain
Joint pain comes in two distinct categories: arthralgia, when the condition is non-inflammatory, and arthritis, when there is inflammation. If you visit a homeopath, determining which type of joint pain you have involves an extensive interview with questions that may seem extraneous. Properly diagnosing which type of joint pain you have, however, will assist in choosing the correct remedy.
Remedies & Dosage
Arnica is used when joint pain is the result of injury or overuse. If used when symptoms are first felt, combined with rest, arnica will ease the pain. Bryonia is for more severe, sudden pain that stems from any movement, even slight. It will help if you take Bryonia and put pressure on the painful side of the body. Rhus toxicodendron is for stiff joints that feel better after you have moved them. Taking a hot bath when using Rhus tox is also beneficial. Apis or Ledum relieve swelling and work best when used in combination with a cool compress or bath.
As a rule, chronic illnesses are treated with remedy strengths ranging from 30C to 200C and acute illnesses begin with 6C. The "C," for centesimal, denotes the potency; "9C" means that there are nine parts remedy with 91 parts liquid. As with any medication, reduce the dose as symptoms improve, stopping when you feel better. There are times with a homeopath will give a high dose to start the healing, and then lower it as needed. Never take a high dose unless you are certain you are ingesting the correct remedy. Pills are absorbed under the tongue, two at a time, every two hours for six doses; then take the remedy four times a day for five days. Many remedies for joint pain also come in cream form.
When you are taking homeopathic remedies, there are certain things that you should avoid. Coffee should be avoided, not for the caffeine but for some unknown component; however, black tea is acceptable if you need the boost. Certain foods such as tomatoes, eggplant, peppers and red meat should be avoided while taking homeopathic remedies, as well as strong flavors such as mint and camphor. Raw fruits and vegetables and cold-pressed oils are beneficial while taking homeopathic remedies. Joint pain is relieved best if calcium is properly absorbed into the bloodstream, so moderate amounts of sunshine, rest and exercise are all beneficial.