Homeopathic Uses of Aconite
Homeopathic remedies such as aconite are most commonly used in the form of pellets, which are very small round pills. They are available in a variety of potencies or strengths, and usually allowed to dissolve under the tongue. The amounts of the various substances used in homeopathic remedies such as aconite are so small that they cannot be measured or detected; yet these infinitesimal amounts are beneficial. Homeopathy works on the basis of similars, or "like cures like." For example, too much coffee in its common form will make you feel jittery and give you insomnia. Coffee in its homeopathic form will calm you down and help you sleep. Similarly, homeopathic aconite will relieve the symptoms you would have if you were experiencing aconite poisoning. If you are purchasing homeopathic aconite, choose the 30C potency or strength. The usual dose is one to three pellets every 2 to 3 hours, for up to three doses, or as directed by the product's instructions or your homeopathic practitioner.
A Warning
Do not confuse homeopathic aconite with aconite in ANY other form. The plant monkshood is so poisonous that people have died merely from handling it. Only buy homeopathic aconite from a reputable company, such as Boiron. There are no known instances of homeopathic remedies being unsafe, or interacting negatively with other medications, either prescription or over-the-counter. However, if you are under a doctor's care, discuss with him any symptoms you are having and medications you are taking including over-the-counter medications and alternative or complementary medicines.
The Aconite State
Doctor and homeopath Edward Shalts refers to aconite as the "homeopathic emergency services unit" in his book "Easy Homeopathy: The 7 Essential Remedies You Need for Common Illnesses and First Aid" (2006). In it he describes the characteristics of conditions that make up what is called "the aconite state," or the classic way people who will benefit most from the remedy will present. Symptoms come on suddenly. The person may have experienced a great shock or fright--the kind of experience where you say what happened "chilled you to the bone." The person may be tremendously thirsty, or have a sudden high fever or chills. Fear of death, for no apparent reason, can be present. Aconite is the remedy of choice when you suddenly feel a severe cold coming on, or you are coming down with the flu. Three pellets of 30C potency aconite at the onset of such a cold or flu can help you recover quickly. Children who are exposed to chilly winds and develop the croup can benefit from homeopathic aconite. If you have experienced a sudden shock, homeopathic aconite can help. Homeopaths often use aconite to treat people who are experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder.