Natural Ways to Stop Snoring
Lifestyle Changes
You can make some simple lifestyle changes to help you stop snoring through the night. Sometimes snoring can be the result of your sleeping position. Try experimenting with a few body pillows to try and get into a position where your snoring is less prevalent, which is most likely on your stomach or side. Also, avoid taking sedatives before bed, which can cause you to go into a deeper sleep and not wake up when your snoring is painful or loud. If you live in a dry climate, try bringing a cool-mist humidifier into the room with you, which can help keep your throat moist, and avoid snoring all night long. You might also consider having a more scheduled sleeping pattern, so you get the proper rest you need.
Nutrition Changes
Some of your snoring symptoms could be because of your bad eating habits. Do you often find yourself eating large meals right before bedtime? Resolve not to eat less than three hours before bedtime. As you eat, your body builds up mucus to dissolve and digest your food, and that thick mucus can cause you to snore. Dairy foods such as cheese and milk are especially bad for this problem, so try not to eat these foods near bedtime. Avoiding these foods can help you experience a drastic change in your snoring. Also try to stay away from alcoholic beverages that could lull you into a deeper sleep, causing you to not change positions in the night and making you more susceptible to snoring.
Homeopathic Nose Sprays
Some of those suffering from snoring have relief in natural products in the form of nose and throat sprays that claim to coat the passages between your nose and throat with an oily substance that keeps them slick, as dried out passages can cause snoring. Products like Zapnea (See Resources.) contain natural ingredients like chamomile and hydrastis that promise to keep the nose and throat passages moist throughout the night to stop your snoring. Trying different products, techniques and lifestyle changes will yield the greatest results when it comes to your snoring. Experiment until you find the regimen that is best for you.
Nose Strips
Nose strips are an item that you wear to bed each night to help with your snoring. You place the strips with a spring-like action across your nose, and it keeps your nasal passageways open, so that you can breathe through your nose and keep your mouth closed. Mouth breathing is a major culprit for those who suffer from snoring, so many find relief in being able to breathe only through their noses at night.