Homeopathic Remedies for Leg Inflammation
Eating a diet that is full of fruits and vegetables helps to reduce leg inflammation. Specifically, upping the amount of protein consumed helps substantially. Protein can interfere with the chemicals in the body that cause inflammation. Chicken and fish are the best meat sources of protein. Others foods that are high in protein are soybeans, green peas, beans and steamed vegetables like broccoli. Green leafy vegetables are especially good to add to the diet, as the antioxidants in them combat inflammation.
Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties. The best food sources of omega-3 are fatty fish, such as salmon, flax seeds, walnuts and pumpkin seeds.
Be sure to drink enough water to stay hydrated throughout the day. Staying hydrated keeps the body temperature down, which reduces inflammation. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties. Fresh ginger root can be used to make a tea to drink daily for inflammation.
There are also certain foods that should be avoided when trying to reduce inflammation as they actually promote it. Packaged and processed foods, fatty foods, sugar and dairy products all should be avoided. This is primarily due to sugar content and additives. Caffeine also contributes to inflammation if there is too much in the body, such as more than two 8-ounce cups of coffee. It is best to stick with fresh fruits and vegetables.
Dietary Supplements
If you are not getting enough omega-3s in your diet, fish oil capsules can be taken daily. Two grams, which is typically two capsules, is the recommended daily intake. Ginger extract can be taken in capsule form; ginger oil can also be applied topically to the leg.
Instead of using aspirin to treat inflammation, try using willow bark, which is all natural and is actually used in the chemical makeup of over-the-counter aspirin. Willow bark can be taken in capsule form or in water, and it also comes in an oil. Willow bark should be used cautiously by people that are allergic to aspirin, as they could experience the same allergic reactions.
Home Therapy
Heat is often a good homeopathic remedy for leg inflammation. Submerging the legs in warm water for 30 minutes followed by massage can reduce inflammation. If it is suspected that leg inflammation is due to swollen muscles, then resting and elevating the legs while applying an ice compress can be beneficial.