Homeopathic Remedy for Razor Bumps

You shave to make your skin look better, so the last thing you want to do is make it look worse with razor burn. But incorrect shaving practices, dirty razors or sensitive skin may lead you to do just that every time you shave. And while you can shave more carefully or use a clean razor, clearing up sensitive skin problems is more difficult. Fortunately, you can cure your problem naturally with homeopathic remedies.
  1. Process

    • Homeopathic medicine is a system of medical treatment founded on Greek principles that "like cures like." In other words, a usually poisonous substance that causes similar symptoms as a disease, when given in small doses, will trigger the body's immune system to heal itself. Most medications are diluted in liquid to the point that their toxicity is eliminated. They are then shaken to make them more potent.

    Root Causes

    • Some homeopathic physicians have linked razor sensitivity to neurosis stemming from trauma, fright, emotional excitement or suppression of emotion. To clear up razor bumps, they will seek to treat the emotional trauma with medications that restore mental balance. One solution that is used to restore balance to the body's fluids and mental distress contains minute amounts of natrum muriaticum (common table salt). Additionally, St. John's Wart, which is thought to have both antidepressant and antibiotic properties, is recommended for razor bumps.


    • Razor bumps may range from simple pustules to abscesses. These symptoms may be treated with medication such as the Pasque flower, which will reduce severity of the rashes. Calunda (pot marigold) may also be used to control inflammation. Arnica, which contains anti-inflammatory properties, is often used by homeopathic physicians to treat a variety of rashes, including razor bumps.

      Another ingredient in homeopathic medicine that is frequently given for general skin irritation and rashes, particularly in patients who express aversion to bathing, is sulphur.

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