Asthma & Bronchitis Homeopathic Remedies
What are Asthma and Bronchitis?
Asthma is a chronic condition where breathing is affected because of inflammation in the airways. Asthma can be caused by an allergic reaction to something, exercise, dietary changes or genetics. Irritants such as dust, smoke, paint fumes, and health problems such as a cold or flu can also cause an increase in asthma.
Bronchitis can be either a chronic or acute (long-term or temporary) condition in which the bronchial tubes that carry air to and from your lungs become inflamed. Bronchitis commonly develops from a cold or upper respiratory illness and is accompanied by a cough. Chronic bronchitis is usually caused by smoking or exposure to damaging fumes.
Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma
If you have difficulty breathing due to asthma, one way to alleviate the problem is to take a steam shower. Another option is to take a large bucket of hot water and place your face over it with a towel covering both your head and the entire bucket. This "steam" will help open up your airways and help you breathe a little easier.
Another simple remedy is to drink hot herbal tea. Teas containing licorice root or ginger have been known to help asthma patients. Again, the warmth of the tea will help open your airways, and licorice root will also act as an agent to calm the inflammation in your airways.
Mixing 1 teaspoon of honey in an 8-ounce glass of warm water and drinking it will also help alleviate asthma conditions. Repeat this three times a day until the symptoms dissipate.
Fennel is an herb that can be chewed or mixed into a drink and will help expel infected mucous from the chest. This is a remedy that can help prevent asthma attacks and also help bronchitis patients.
Regular exercise, a good diet (avoid processed foods and keep hydrated with water and juice), and prevention are the keys to caring for asthma patients. By knowing what factors trigger asthma, you can prevent attacks and flare-ups.
Homeopathic Remedies for Bronchitis
For any herbal remedies, you should contact a physician or homeopathic practitioner to get the exact dosage amounts. Taking too much of any herb can be fatal or make you even sicker.
Bryonia is a homeopathic remedy that is often used to treat a dry, painful cough associated with bronchitis. If you have vertigo, painful headache, overall aches and pains, as well as a dry mouth and parched lips accompanying a dry hacking cough, bryonia is a homeopathic remedy you can purchase from most homeopathy stores and practitioners.
A more common type of bronchitis is one with a loud, wet cough. Aconite is another herb that can be taken to help alleviate this cough and the pain associated with it.
In addition to these herbal remedies, patients can also turn on a vaporizer to help open their airways and calm the inflammation in their bronchial tubes. A cool-mist vaporizer produces less germs than a humidifier, and the cool-mist will also help alleviate the pain and soreness from constant coughing. Taking a steam bath can also help relieve body and chest soreness as well.