Homeopathic Cures for Migraines
Throbbing in the Back of the Head
Belladonna and Gelsemium are used when the pain is in the back of the head. If the migraine starts in the morning or mid-day, Belladonna is often used. If the pain also shoots down into the neck, then Gelsemium is given.
Pain Behind the Eyes
Bryonia is used when the pain is behind the eyes and any movement, even movement of the eye, is excruciating. Cimicifuga is given to women when the migraine occurs during a menstrual period. Kali bichromicum is used when the sufferer also feels dizzy and nauseous.
Distorted Vision
When the migraine sufferer sees flashes or flickers of light in his vision, Cyclamen is given. Iris versicolor is used when the person's vision is blurred. It is also used when the person feels better moving around rather than sitting still.
Left Side of the Head
Lachesis is given when the pain is on the left side of the head and the migraine sufferer has congestion. If the pain is accompanied by dizziness and nausea, then Sepia is used. Spegelia is called for if the person feels better keeping absolutely still.
Right Side of the Head
Natrum muriaticum is given when there is pain on the right side of the head and a tingling or numbness is also in the cheeks and lips. Sanguinaria is used when the pain extends into the neck and shoulder, and Silicea is the remedy of choice when the pain intensifies in the cold.
Lower doses are preferable and will have few if any side effects. They are also available without a prescription at most health food stores. Homeopathic practitioners recommend that the sufferer select the remedy that most closely addresses the type of pain he or she is experiencing and try a single dose. If the condition improves, wait and let the remedy do its work. Take a second dose if there is no improvement. If the second dose does not work, try a different remedy.