Homeopathic Use of Charcoal
Homeopathy Basics
Homeopathic medicines are typically used in pellet form: small, pills. Carbo vegetabilis is an individual remedy; there are also combination products available for a variety of conditions. Homeopathic remedies come in several different strengths, or potencies. If you are purchasing homeopathic remedies for the first time, try the 30C strength pellets. A usual dose of this strength is three pellets dissolved under the tongue, and then repeated in one to two hours, for up to three doses. Homeopathic charcoal will not interfere with any medications you may be taking, unlike activated charcoal tablets or powders. If you are under a doctor's care, however, or if homeopathic charcoal does not relieve your symptoms, you should consult with your doctor.
Digestive Difficulties
Homeopathic charcoal is often recommended for digestive difficulties. A person who will benefit from homeopathic charcoal finds that even a small amount of food produces abdominal discomfort. He will belch frequently and loudly, and the belches will smell rancid; burping or belching may make him feel better for a few minutes. He will have a lot of gas. He may have a burning sensation in his stomach yet feel generally cold. He will probably fan himself a lot because it makes him feel better. Lying down and eating rich food make him feel worse, and he won't want anything snug around his waist. Mentally he may feel sluggish or be anxious or irritable. Any person who is experiencing gas, indigestion and upper-abdominal bloating may be a candidate for homeopathic charcoal.
Other Uses
Homeopathic charcoal is the remedy of choice for people whose heads are especially sensitive. It can benefit people who experience a ringing in the ears or frequent nosebleeds. It is the remedy most commonly given for fainting. A person who will benefit from this remedy may feel weak and have a faint pulse. She may feel sleepy and sluggish all day, but then have trouble sleeping at night. It can be given to those who are slowly recovering from illness to help them recover at a more normal pace.