Homeopathic Remedies for Outer Ear & Ear Canal Pain
Identifying Inner & Outer Ear Pain
Identifying the exact location of ear pain can be tricky - especially in children. Inner ear pain is intense and feels like it is deep within the ear; it is often accompanied by a raised temperature and muffled hearing ability. Outer ear pain is painful on the outside of ear canal, often signaled by a red, inflamed ear area, there may also be itching and/or a small amount of discharge from the ear.
Home Remedies
To help alleviate some of the pain in the area, first apply a warm compress for about 15 minutes. Lay down on the ear that is in the most pain with the compress between your ear and the surface. This will not only help with the pain, but also help drain any fluid (if any) in the ear. Repeat every two to three hours to help with the pain. Taking Acetaminophen will also help reduce the pain, and any inflammation in the ear.
A popular remedy is garlic oil, but be sure to not put the drops directly in your ear. Oil drops can further irritate the canal, and should only be used on the exterior of the ear. There are two ways to prepare the garlic oil method - either with a garlic oil liquid capsule (sold at most vitamin stores) or by pressing two fresh cloves of garlic. Put the garlic oil liquid on a cotton ball and place inside the ear like a plug. Leave it in for 30-40 minutes. You don't have to lay down, but you should try and rest during this time. This can be repeated up to four times a day.
To help reduce any fluid in the ear, put six tablespoons of sea salt in a sock and microwave it for about 45 seconds or until warm. Make sure it is not too hot to place on the outer ear area or burn you. Lay down with the salt/sock between your ear and a flat surface, allowing any fluid to drain from the ear. The salt will help draw out moisture from the ear.
For swimmers ear, or any fluid in the ear canal, two to three drops of hydrogen peroxide can also help break up any wax buildup inside. Lay down with the effected ear facing upward toward the ceiling, put the drops in and let the solution \"bubble\" inside the ear for about three to five minutes. Then, flip sides and let all of the fluid drain out for about one minute. Gently take a Q-tip to the outside part of the ear only to remove any wax that has drained out. Peroxide can be harsh on your ear, so only use this remedy once a day.
For babies and toddlers with outer ear pain, warm one teaspoon of olive oil and five drops of lavender oil in a pan. Allow the solution to cool and then soak a cotton ball and apply the liquid on the outer ear area. Don't drip the solution directly in the ear canal, just rub it on the outer ear. This has a calming effect on the inflammation to the area, and will help reduce pain.
Methods that Don't Work
There are some popular remedies that simply don't work. Running a hair dryer on low into the effected ear does not dry out the ear or help with any irritation. Also, constantly \"popping\" your ears by yawning, chewing gum or holding your nose and trying to blow through your nostrils will only give you temporary relief to the \"fullness\" feeling. In fact, \"popping\" your ears can also do more harm than good\\, and may end up causing your ear drum to rupture.
If the ear pain is accompanied by a cold or sickness, or the ear pain immediately follows after just getting over an illness, see a doctor as your ear may be infected and require antibiotics.