Homeopathic Remedies for Pregnancy
Simple Herbs
Take dandelion and kelp throughout your pregnancy to help prevent birth defects. Both are also high in vitamins and minerals. Drink red raspberry tea to deal with nausea and get healthy doses of iron and calcium. Red raspberry tea is most beneficial late in pregnancy because of its ability to tone the uterine muscles, resulting in more efficient contractions. Alfalfa is another high-iron herb that also supplies high levels of protein and vitamin K. It is another late-pregnancy remedy because it helps your blot clot, which can help with hemorrhaging during birth. Psyllium will provide constipation relief, while white oak bark helps maintain and prevent pregnancy hemorrhoids. Take ginger to relieve morning sickness, and take false unicorn to help prevent miscarriage.
Complex Herbal Supplements
Take asarum, colchicum or ipecacuanha to subdue nausea. Asarum and colchicum are best for women who are sensitive to the sight and smell of food, while ipecacuanha is preferred for women who salivate and swallow so much that they become nauseous from their own saliva. Kreosotum and lacticum acidum also best serve women who get nauseous from excessive salivation. They go well with foods and are intended to help women who routinely become soothed or relieved of their nausea after eating. For women who are vomiting violently, are pale and/or have cold sweats, take tabacum, which works well against serious illness.